How would you implement an autocomplete feature? On every letter typed, check all words on a list that start with that prefix? 😱
Ideally organise the words by prefix, so all words with any prefix are clustered. Of course, many prefixes overlap, so we’ll need a tree structure, branching on every letter of the prefix.
Algorithm idea
- A Trie is a tree, where the actual data is in the branches rather than the node, via
dict[str, TrieNode]
, wherestr
is the data. - It starts with a sentinel root node, and words are inserted by inserting a branch per letter, or reusing it if it exists.
- Benefits: checking if a word exists in a Trie is O(w), and collecting all words with a given prefix is O(m*n) (m = longest word, n = words in Trie) but on average both m & n will be smaller.
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.is_end = False # True if this node is the end of a word
self.children: dict[str, TrieNode] = defaultdict(TrieNode)
# Time: O(w)
def insert(self, word: str) -> None:
if word:
self.is_end = True
# Time: O(w)
def exists(self, word: str) -> bool:
if not word:
return self.is_end
if word[0] not in self.children:
return False
return self.children[word[0]].exists(word[1:])
# Note: same as exists, but collect words instead of return True!
def search(self, prefix: str) -> list[str]:
if not prefix:
return self.collect_words("")
if prefix[0] not in self.children:
return []
return self.children[prefix[0]].search(prefix[1:])
# collect all words from this node onwards!
def collect_words(self, prefix):
words = []
if self.is_end:
for char in self.children:
words.extend(self.children[char].collect_words(prefix + char))
return words
Done 🎉🎉🎉
Appendix: Other tutorials online
Beginner-friendly guide to Trie: is a discussion post that explains what trie is, how to write one, and how it can be used, with some practice problems and solutions.
GeeksForGeeks: lots of visuals, many languages and large descriptions.
Appendix: Related Leetcodes
211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure: This problem asks you to design a data structure that supports adding and searching words with wildcards.
212. Word Search II: This problem asks you to find all the words in a given board that exist in a given word list, using a Trie to optimize the search.