
Union Find


Union-Find solves any problem with an undirected graph for which you need to answer one of these:

  • How many “clustered vertices” (or disjoint sets, or “groups”) are there?
  • Do vertex A & vertex B belong to the same group?


  • Number of islands (or “Battleships”): Count connected ‘1’s in a binary grid.
  • Accounts Merge: Merge accounts by email. Each account has a name and some emails.

Algorithm idea

  • Given a graph of vertices and edges, we think of it as a “forest”: many isolated/disjoint trees of vertices, where the edges define parent/children relationships.
  • Use add to add a vertex, which will start isolated as its own tree in the forest.
  • Use union to add an edge, which will connect 2 vertices (and maybe recursively two trees). Largest tree’s parent will become parent of the union.
  • Use find to answer “which set/tree/group does a vertex belong to?”.
  • Use set_count to answer “how many disjoint sets are there?”.


class UnionFind: # Used to keep track of disjointed sets on graphs.
    parent: list[int] # Sets are trees. Each vertex has a parent.
    size: list[int] # Optimization: on union, larger set becomes parent.
    idx: dict[any, int] # Optional: elements are mapped to int "labels".

    def __init__(self):
        self.parent = []
        self.size = []
        self.idx = {}

    # Add a new vertex to the forest, as a new tree of size 1
    def add(self, vertex: any):
        idx = len(self.parent) # Next available idx to use for this vertex.
        self.idx[vertex] = idx
        self.parent.append(idx) # New vertex is its own parent in own tree.
        self.size.append(1) # Tree of one vertex: size = 1

    # Union two vertices: if they belong to != sets, make larger parent
    # of the smaller. Keep track of sizes.
    # vertices must exist (via add)!
    def union(self, vertex1: any, vertex2: any):
        set1 = self.find(vertex1)
        set2 = self.find(vertex2)
        if set1 != set2:
            if self.size[set1] > self.size[set2]:
                self.size[set1] += self.size[set2]
                self.parent[set2] = set1
                self.size[set2] += self.size[set1]
                self.parent[set1] = set2

    def _find(self, idx: int) -> int:
        return self._find(self.parent[idx]) if self.parent[idx] != idx else idx
    # Find the set a vertex belongs to.
    # vertex must exist (via add)!
    def find(self, vertex: any) -> int:
        return self._find(self.idx[vertex])
    # Count how many different sets exist (O(n))
    def set_count(self) -> int:
        return sum(1 for idx, parent in enumerate(self.parent) if idx == parent)

🧠 Pro tips!

  • There are many implementations, but learn the above: “Weighted Union Find w/ Path compression”, because all 3 base methods are ~O(1).
  • Why O(1)? union is O(2*find), and find calls find recursively, but the depth of that tree will be better than log(n) because the path compression flattens the tree, so ALMOST O(1).
  • This version starts with empty “forest” and you add vertices, and there’s a mapping from “element” to “vertex index”. If you know the size beforehand and “elements” are already numbers 0 to n, you can bypass add & find and use union & _find directly.

Done 🎉🎉🎉

Appendix: Other tutorials online

Swift Algorithm Club: good article explaining the same algorithm variant, but with some visuals and a longer explanation.

Disjoint Set Union (DSU)/Union-Find - A Complete Guide - LeetCode Discuss: This post explains the concept and implementation of Union-Find with examples and code snippets. It also covers some variations and optimizations of Union-Find such as union by rank, path compression, path halving and path splitting.

Union-Find - LeetCode Discuss: This post shows a simple and concise Python implementation of Union-Find with comments. It also explains the time complexity analysis of Union-Find operations.

  1. Redundant Connection: This problem asks you to find an edge that can be removed from a graph to make it a tree. You can use Union-Find to detect cycles in the graph and return the last edge that creates a cycle.

  2. Number of Provinces: This problem asks you to find the number of connected components in a graph given an adjacency matrix. You can use Union-Find to group the nodes that are connected and return the number of distinct groups.


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