An O(n^2)
solution would be to generate all pairs, heapify them by distance & pop k times.
- Code an
function to count the number of pairs with distance<= d
(using sliding window). - Binary search for the smallest distance
that has at leastk
class Solution(object):
def smallestDistancePair(self, nums, k):
nums = sorted(nums)
def count_pairs_with_distance_up_to(max_distance):
# Slide a window where distance is <= max_distance
count = left = 0
for right in range(len(nums)):
# If right - left > max_distance, window is invalid
# Shrink from left until valid
while nums[right] - nums[left] > max_distance:
left += 1
# The count of pairs with distance <= max_distance is
# right-left: imagine you pivot on right, so from left to right-1
# there are right-left pairs.
count += right - left
return count
# Binary search for the smallest distance that has at least k pairs
lo = 0
hi = nums[-1] - nums[0] # largest possible distance
while lo < hi:
mi = (lo + hi) // 2
if count_pairs_with_distance_up_to(mi) >= k:
hi = mi
lo = mi + 1
return lo