
Minimum Window Substring


Intuitively, since we want to avoid a O(n^2) solution, a sliding window approach is attractive.

We can leverage the idea of the window being “valid”: it’s valid if it contains all characters in t. We must return the minimal “valid” window.

  • While the window is invalid, move right pointer to enlarge it.
  • While the window is valid, move left pointer to shrink it.
  • Keep track of the smallest VALID window found.

It’s crucial to answer if the current window is valid in O(1) time.

To do this, initialise a frequency table for t, but also a count that sums all the frequencies.

The count is the key: we can intelligently update it when we add or remove characters in the window, as long as they participate in the validity of the window. This way, the window is valid if <= 0.


from collections import defaultdict, Counter

# Time: O(s + t) since we iterate over `t` once and `s` up to twice.
# Space: O(s + t) since we store `t` in a Counter and `s` in a defaultdict.
class Solution:
    def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
        t_freq    = Counter(t)
        # To check window validity in O(1), `count` keeps track of
        # how many characters in `t` are missing in the current window.
        count     = sum(t_freq.values())
        min_range = (float('-inf'), float('inf'))

        # Implement sliding window:
        # While invalid window, move right (thus enlarging).
        # While valid window, move left (thus shrinking).
        left   = 0
        s_freq = defaultdict(int)
        for right in range(len(s)):
            # We enlarged the window by moving right. Add new char to s_freq.
            s_freq[s[right]] += 1

            # This current char contributes to window validity only if it is
            # in `t` and we have not yet found all occurrences of it.
            if t_freq.get(s[right]) and s_freq[s[right]] <= t_freq[s[right]]:
                count -= 1

            # If window is valid, move left to shrink it.
            while count <= 0:

                # Since at this point the window is valid, check if it's also
                # the smallest window found so far, and update `min_range` if so.
                if right-left+1 < min_range[1]-min_range[0]+1:
                    min_range = (left, right)

                # We shrank the window by moving left. Remove char from s_freq.
                s_freq[s[left]] -= 1

                # Removing a char can make the window invalid if it is in `t`,
                # but only if we now have less occurrences of it than in `t`.
                if t_freq.get(s[left]) and s_freq[s[left]] < t_freq[s[left]]:
                    count += 1

                left += 1

        return s[min_range[0]:min_range[1]+1] if min_range != (float('-inf'), float('inf')) else ""


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