If the wordlist was a graph including beginWord, finding the shortest transformation sequence would be running Dijkstra!
Creating the adjacency list is just calculating, for all tuples of words, which have 1 different letter. This step is O(n^2)*w
, which dominates the complexity.
The space will also be quadratic, but only O(n^2)
, since the adjacency matrix could connect everything.
class Solution:
def ladderLength(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> int:
# Find the index of endWord in wordList
end_word_idxs = [i for i in range(len(wordList)) if wordList[i] == endWord]
if not end_word_idxs:
return 0
end_i = end_word_idxs[0]
# This ensured beginWord is in wordList, and gets the index of it (to run Dijkstra)
begin_word_idxs = [i for i in range(len(wordList)) if wordList[i] == beginWord]
begin_i = begin_word_idxs[0] if begin_word_idxs else len(wordList)
if begin_i == len(wordList):
# Run Dijkstra
distance = dijkstra(create_adjacency(wordList), len(wordList), begin_i)[end_i]
# Remember that Dijkstra returns min count of edges, so we must +1.
return distance + 1 if distance != float('inf') else 0
def are_adjacent(w1: str, w2: str) -> bool:
differ_count = 0
for i in range(len(w1)):
if w1[i] != w2[i]:
differ_count += 1
if differ_count > 1:
return False
return True
def create_adjacency(words: list[str]) -> dict[int, list[int, int]]:
adj: dict[int, list[int, int]] = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(words)):
for j in range(i+1, len(words)):
if are_adjacent(words[i], words[j]):
adj[i].append([j, 1])
adj[j].append([i, 1])
return adj
# Time: O((V+E)*logV)
# Space: O(V)
def dijkstra(
adjacency: dict[int, list[list[int]]],
num_vertices: int, # != len(adjacency) if there are orphan vertices!!
start_vertex: int,
) -> list[int]:
# We start with default assumption that distance from start_vertex to every vertex
# is infinite, except for start_vertex.
distances = [float('inf')] * (num_vertices+1) # +1 optional; depends on zero-indexed
distances[start_vertex] = 0
# We only want to visit each vertex once.
visited: set[int] = set()
# Use a heap to iteratively pop the shortest distance vertex,
# until all vertices are visited
h = []
heapq.heappush(h, (0, start_vertex))
# O(v): While there are still unvisited vertices...
while len(h) > 0:
# O(log v): Pop the next shortest distance vertex
cur_dist, vertex = heapq.heappop(h)
# O(1): Get the vertex's edges and mark the vertex as visited
edges = adjacency[vertex]
# O(e): For every edge...
for edge in edges:
[dest_vertex, distance] = edge
# If the vertex is visited, or we already found a shortest distance,
# ignore the edge
if dest_vertex in visited or distances[dest_vertex] <= cur_dist + distance:
# O(log v): Store the shortest distance and add it to the heap,
# so that we visit it later
distances[dest_vertex] = cur_dist + distance
heapq.heappush(h, (distances[dest_vertex], dest_vertex))
return distances
Note that BFS is more efficient, because we could find the solution without traversing all levels.
But it’s less intuitive to me, because we must keep a visited set
, but isn’t the set different depending on the direction we took?
According to this solution it’s not, but I don’t think I can reliably remember why: