Resist the intuitive solution to try DP based on the coins: “I’ll try to use the larger coins first to reach the target with less coins”.
Consider the case of coins = [1, 3, 4]
and amount = 6
: this algo would
use 4 + 1 + 1
, but optimal is to use 3 + 3
Instead, use DP on the amounts, bottom up. For each amount, try to use each coin, and greedily keep the optimal solution.
# Time: O(a*c) where a == amount, c == len(coins)
# Space: O(a) where a == amount
class Solution:
def coinChange(self, coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:
# Initialise memo with a large number except for the base case of
# trying to reach 0 amount, which takes 0 coins
minCoins = [0] * (amount+1)
for i in range(len(minCoins)):
minCoins[i] = float("inf")
minCoins[0] = 0
# For every amount ranging 1..amount:
for amt in range(1, amount+1):
# For every coin denomination:
for coin in coins:
# If subtracting current coin we surpass the target amount,
# can't use it.
# If subtracting current coin we arrive a target amount with
# no solution, can't use it.
# (Note that, by now, we must know optimal solutions for
# smaller amounts!)
if amt - coin < 0 or minCoins[amt-coin] == float("inf"):
# We encountered a way to reach the current amount with a
# number of coins, but it may not yet be the optimal solution,
# so greedily check all possible ones and keep the one with
# the smallest number of coins.
minCoins[amt] = min(minCoins[amt], 1+minCoins[amt-coin])
# If by the end of this exercise there isn't an option for the
# specified amount, then there isn't one.
if minCoins[amount] == float("inf"):
return -1
# Otherwise return it.
return minCoins[amount]