
Insert Interval


There are three subproblems here:

  1. Merging two intervals: Given two sorted intervals, merge them if they overlap.

  2. Merging a list of intervals: Put the first interval in the result list, and for each subsequent interval, run (1.) against the last interval in the result list. If they overlap, merge them, otherwise, append the interval to the result list.

  3. Inserting an interval to list: This could be creating a new list copying the initial plus adding the new interval where it belongs, but it’s O(n). The alternative is to use the original list and always check for the right time to consider the new interval.

The trade-off of not duplicating the list is that the code gets quite messy, because the new interval could be:

  • The first element of the list, so the hardcoded beginning of the result list is conditional on it.
  • In the middle of the list, so we need a condition in the loop.
  • The last element of the list, so we need a condition after the loop.


class Solution:
    # Time: O(n)
    # Space: O(n)
    def insert(self, intervals: List[List[int]], newInterval: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        if not intervals:
            return [newInterval]

        # Once we insert the interval, we don't need to process it again, so we set this flag.
        consumed = False

        # The inserted interval could be the first element of the list.
        if newInterval[0] <= intervals[0][0]:
            new_intervals = [newInterval]
            consumed = True
            rest = intervals
            new_intervals = [intervals[0]]
            rest = intervals[1:]

        for interval in rest:
            # The inserted interval could be in the middle of the list.
            if not consumed and newInterval[0] <= interval[0]:
                consumed = True
                process_interval(new_intervals, newInterval)

            process_interval(new_intervals, interval)
        # The inserted interval could be the last element of the list.
        if not consumed:
            process_interval(new_intervals, newInterval)

        return new_intervals

def process_interval(intervals: list[list[int]], interval: list[int]) -> None:
    if is_overlap(intervals[-1], interval):
        intervals[-1] = merge(intervals[-1], interval)

# This assumes that i1[0] <= i2[0], that is, the intervals are sorted by start time
def is_overlap(i1: list[int], i2: list[int]) -> bool:
    return i1[1] >= i2[0]

def merge(i1: list[int], i2: list[int]) -> list[int]:
    return [min(i1[0], i2[0]), max(i1[1], i2[1])]


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