There are three subproblems here:
Merging two intervals: Given two sorted intervals, merge them if they overlap.
Merging a list of intervals: Put the first interval in the result list, and for each subsequent interval, run (
) against the last interval in the result list. If they overlap, merge them, otherwise, append the interval to the result list.Inserting an interval to list: This could be creating a new list copying the initial plus adding the new interval where it belongs, but it’s
. The alternative is to use the original list and always check for the right time to consider the new interval.
The trade-off of not duplicating the list is that the code gets quite messy, because the new interval could be:
- The first element of the list, so the hardcoded beginning of the result list is conditional on it.
- In the middle of the list, so we need a condition in the loop.
- The last element of the list, so we need a condition after the loop.
class Solution:
# Time: O(n)
# Space: O(n)
def insert(self, intervals: List[List[int]], newInterval: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
if not intervals:
return [newInterval]
# Once we insert the interval, we don't need to process it again, so we set this flag.
consumed = False
# The inserted interval could be the first element of the list.
if newInterval[0] <= intervals[0][0]:
new_intervals = [newInterval]
consumed = True
rest = intervals
new_intervals = [intervals[0]]
rest = intervals[1:]
for interval in rest:
# The inserted interval could be in the middle of the list.
if not consumed and newInterval[0] <= interval[0]:
consumed = True
process_interval(new_intervals, newInterval)
process_interval(new_intervals, interval)
# The inserted interval could be the last element of the list.
if not consumed:
process_interval(new_intervals, newInterval)
return new_intervals
def process_interval(intervals: list[list[int]], interval: list[int]) -> None:
if is_overlap(intervals[-1], interval):
intervals[-1] = merge(intervals[-1], interval)
# This assumes that i1[0] <= i2[0], that is, the intervals are sorted by start time
def is_overlap(i1: list[int], i2: list[int]) -> bool:
return i1[1] >= i2[0]
def merge(i1: list[int], i2: list[int]) -> list[int]:
return [min(i1[0], i2[0]), max(i1[1], i2[1])]