Very simple DFS with memoization. Shouldn’t be a hard exercise!
class Solution:
def isInterleave(self, s1: str, s2: str, s3: str) -> bool:
def dfs(i1, i2, i3, memo) -> bool:
# If reached end of s3, true if other two strings are also empty
if i3 == len(s3):
return i1 == len(s1) and i2 == len(s2)
# If reached end of s1, true if rest of s2 and s3 are equal
if i1 == len(s1):
return s2[i2:] == s3[i3:]
# If reached end of s2, true if rest of s1 and s3 are equal
if i2 == len(s2):
return s1[i1:] == s3[i3:]
# If next char in s3 isn't equal to either in s1 or s2, FALSE!
if s1[i1] != s3[i3] and s2[i2] != s3[i3]:
return False
# Next letter is only from s1
if s1[i1] == s3[i3] and s2[i2] != s3[i3]:
return dfs(i1+1, i2, i3+1, memo)
# Next letter is only from s2
if s1[i1] != s3[i3] and s2[i2] == s3[i3]:
return dfs(i1, i2+1, i3+1, memo)
# If we've already seen this state, return it
if memo.get((i1, i2)) is not None:
return memo[(i1, i2)]
# If next char in s3 is equal to both in s1 and s2, recurse on both and store answer
memo[(i1, i2)] = (
dfs(i1+1, i2, i3+1, memo) or
dfs(i1, i2+1, i3+1, memo)
return memo[(i1, i2)]
return dfs(0, 0, 0, {})