Since the grid is an undirected graph and we must find how many connected groups there are, this is a textbook case for UnionFind!
- Add all lands
- Union all connections
- Count how many groups there are!
class Solution:
# Time: O(n) because we iterate over the grid twice doing constant ops, and then O(n) set_count.
# Space: O(n) because the union-find DS requires O(n) space.
def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
uf = UnionFind()
# Add all lands to the union-find DS.
for y in range(len(grid)):
for x in range(len(grid[0])):
if grid[y][x] != "1":
uf.add((x, y))
# Add all edges (connections) between lands to the union-find DS.
# Note that we only need to check right & down. Can also connect left & up, but redundant.
for y in range(len(grid)):
for x in range(len(grid[0])):
if grid[y][x] != "1":
for delta in [(1, 0), (0, 1)]:
dx, dy = delta
nx, ny = (x+dx, y+dy)
# Don't go out of bounds!
if ny >= len(grid) or nx >= len(grid[0]):
if grid[ny][nx] != "1":
uf.union((x, y), (nx, ny))
# The number of connected groups is the number of islands!
return uf.set_count()
class UnionFind: # Used to keep track of disjointed sets on graphs.
parent: list[int] # Sets are trees. Each vertex has a parent.
size: list[int] # Optimization: on union, larger set becomes parent.
idx: dict[any, int] # Optional: elements are mapped to int "labels".
def __init__(self):
self.parent = []
self.size = []
self.idx = {}
# Add a new vertex to the forest, as a new tree of size 1
def add(self, vertex: any):
idx = len(self.parent) # Next available idx to use for this vertex.
self.idx[vertex] = idx
self.parent.append(idx) # New vertex is its own parent in own tree.
self.size.append(1) # Tree of one vertex: size = 1
# Union two vertices: if they belong to != sets, make larger parent
# of the smaller. Keep track of sizes.
# vertices must exist (via add)!
def union(self, vertex1: any, vertex2: any):
set1 = self.find(vertex1)
set2 = self.find(vertex2)
if set1 != set2:
if self.size[set1] > self.size[set2]:
self.size[set1] += self.size[set2]
self.parent[set2] = set1
self.size[set2] += self.size[set1]
self.parent[set1] = set2
def _find(self, idx: int) -> int:
return self._find(self.parent[idx]) if self.parent[idx] != idx else idx
# Find the set a vertex belongs to.
# vertex must exist (via add)!
def find(self, vertex: any) -> int:
return self._find(self.idx[vertex])
# Count how many different sets exist (O(n))
def set_count(self) -> int:
return sum(1 for idx, parent in enumerate(self.parent) if idx == parent)
If you have trouble remembering how to implement UnionFind, there’s a simple DFS solution too:
- For every cell, if it’s land, +1 to the total number of islands, and then BURN connected islands.
- BURN: dfs via adjacent cells and replace the “1” to “X” or whatever.
- Note that the “burning” plays the role of the “visited” set, so you don’t stack overflow.