This is DP with memo. Note that it’s not enough to memo only the target!
Given a position in nums and a target, the result of the decision tree from there will be duplicated work, so memo that.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List
class Solution:
# Time: O(n * s) where n is the number of items and s is the sum of all items
# Space: O(n * s) for memoization
def canPartition(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
# Let's try to find a subset of nums that sums to half the total
total = sum(nums)
# If the total is odd, we can't partition it
return total % 2 == 0 and do_can_partition(nums, 0, total // 2, defaultdict(dict))
def do_can_partition(nums: list[int], i: int, target: int, memo: dict[dict[int, int]]) -> bool:
# If we exceeded half, this path is invalid
if target < 0:
return False
# If we reached half, this path is valid (rest of numbers will be the other half)
if target == 0:
return True
# If we reached the end of the list, path is invalid (or we would have returned True)
if i >= len(nums):
return False
# Don't repeat already calculated work
if memo[i].get(target) is not None:
return memo[i][target]
# Try both paths: using or not using the current number on this half
memo[i][target] = (
do_can_partition(nums, i+1, target - nums[i], memo) or
do_can_partition(nums, i+1, target, memo)
return memo[i][target]