No point describing permutations. Just read the code. It’s a DFS with burning and backtracking.
class Solution:
# Time complexity: O(n!) because we start with `n` options, then `n-1`, then `n-2`, etc.
# Space complexity: O(n!) if solution space counts, O(n) if not.
def permute(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
return do_permute(nums, [], [])
BURNED = float("inf")
def do_permute(nums: List[int], partial: List[int], result: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
# A new permutation is reached when partial is the same length as nums
if len(partial) == len(nums):
result.append(partial.copy()) # Remember to clone! We'll mutate partial later.
return result
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if num == BURNED:
# Pick this number and burn it
nums[i] = BURNED
do_permute(nums, partial, result)
# Don't forget to unburn the number and backtrack
nums[i] = num
return result