There’s a linear solution but it’s too tricky to figure out the formula.
This solution just goes through and runs the entire sequence, counting time spent.
The only tricky part is to make sense of the “cycle length” idea:
- Example:
withn = 2
. - The cycle length is thus
, and we fill it with tasks with the longest freq first. - Do this for every cycle and keep track of “consumed” tasks.
from heapq import heappush, heappop
class Solution:
# Time: O(t*logt) where t is len(tasks)
# Space: O(k) where k is the number of distinct tasks
def leastInterval(self, tasks: List[str], n: int) -> int:
h = [-freq for freq in Counter(tasks).values()]
total_time = 0
while h:
remain = []
# The "cycles" will have n+1 length. Example:
# ["A","A","A","B","B","B"] with n = 2 => (A,B,idle),(A,B,idle),A,B
# Since there must be 2 non-A between As.
cycle_len = n + 1
# In the current cycle
while cycle_len and h:
# Run tasks sorted by freq
max_freq = -heappop(h)
# We're gonna push the task back to the heap with freq-1
if max_freq > 1:
# Since we ran a task, increment total time and decrement cycle length
total_time += 1
cycle_len -= 1
# Push the decremented tasks back to the heap
for count in remain:
heappush(h, -count)
# If heap is empty, this was the last cycle.
# Thus, we can end here: idle space in this cycle doesn't count.
if not h:
# The current cycle has some idle space left.
# Since the heap is not empty, we have another cycle.
# Therefore, add idle space to total time.
total_time += cycle_len
return total_time