

(not a guide for this question; only for how this question is different from all others)


Main differences

There is a lot of overlap with Twitter design:

But Instagram/Tiktok is image/video based, so:

  • Bandwidth can be an issue in some localities, so on upload, producing videos at different bitrates is important. How about consistent loudness between videos?
  • Access pattern (a lot in the first few days, then fade away) becomes important for cost saving. Need a “cached timelines” storage on Redis/Memcached, and a “archived timelines” on Cassandra/HBase.
  • “The algorithm” is very important, so analytics feeding back to timelines MUST be mentioned.

“The algorithm”

  • Users need to be profiled thoroughly to best recommend them posts that will boost engagement & retention.
  • Their social graph & activity must be analyzed through collaborative filtering & other data science algorithms, and output some profiling artifact (e.g. tags) to be kept in some User Service’s cache.
  • If elaborating on “The algorithm”: need User Service, User cache, Trends service, Profiling Service, etc.
  • Then, use the feedback Post-process service in the diagram to explain how posts are sent to users timelines.

What does Instagram use?

  • Data stored in Postgres cluster. IDs generated with Postgres clusters as well (Sharding IDs at Instagram).
  • Django/Python stack for site.
  • From here: “All of our Redis deployments run in master-slave, with the slave set to save to disk about every minute.”



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