

(not a guide for this question; only for how this question is different from all others)

Special functional requirements

  • Calculate best routes between two locations (w/ ETA, distance, warnings)
  • Construct & maintain road map of the World
  • Architecture must allow add-on features

Calculating route between A & B

Straight up Dijsktra? 🤔 Doesn’t work! Needs to process all V & E in the digraph! 😱

Cell tiers

  • Supported territories can be subdivided in “cells” to limit the size of the graph algorithms.
  • Cells can be of multiple sizes or tiers.
  • Calculate aerial distance, and cells of point A & B. Have different algorithms depending on aerial distance.
  • If single-cell, Dijkstra works. Otherwise, decide which cell tier applies and rely on cached inter-cell routes to optimise.

What if A & B are very close to edge of Cell?

  • Neighbouring cells may have the optimal route, so they must be considered.
  • But it’s very unlikely a far-away cell is involved, so can decide threshold of involved cells based on aerial distance.

Just distance?

Factors affecting ETA & preferred route:

  • Distance
  • Weather
  • Traffic
  • Accidents, Transport disruptions & Special events

But how to condense all of this into Dijkstra? All factors could be “pluggable” into an “Avg. Speed” weighting.

Are you sure of Dijkstra?

  • Bellman-Ford also exists.
  • Dijkstra works well for a single trip, but Floyd-Warshall (n^3) might work better for “every V to every other V”.

Do A & B always align to the grid?

  • Calculate distance from A to closest vertex, and from B to closest vertex, and add to ETA.

Always use Dijkstra or cached Dijkstra?

As people travel, the system gets the actual time it took from A to B! Dijkstra is approximating this source of truth! So edge Avg. Speeds are calculated based on:

  • Cached Floyd Warshalls
  • Cached real trip durations
  • Fresh Dijkstras

All caches get outdated, or are valid for a given day of week, hour of day or special holiday timeslot. Route service decides.

How to maintain the road map?

  • Users moving around hint at new roads or roads that don’t exist anymore. Update map asynchronously in map-reduce batch jobs.
  • Third-party map update, transport updates, weather, special events update must be ingested in real-time and update the map.


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