(not a guide for this question; only for how this question is different from all others)
Applies to
- Tiktok
Content amount and structure
- ~100:1 read/write ratio. Should be optimised for reads.
- Computing newsfeed on read? 🤔 ~75 followers * 100 last tweets multi-get, sort & filter 😱😱 TOO SLOW! Can’t do it in real-time.
- Newsfeed must be cached for all “Active users”. Avg_tweet_sec * Avg_followers = 😱! Tricky but necessary; it can be done async. For users not active in last 30 days, compute at read-time.
Fan out service
- On write, fan out the
(tweet_id, user_id, ...metadata)
to all followers’ timelines. Timelines must be kept in cache for performance, so make each entry as small as possible. - Data structure for one cached timeline? Should stay sorted by timestamp and evict after certain size, so heap makes sense. If inserts into it won’t be out of order then a sorted list doesn’t require a heap, and with a map it could allow deletes in
. - On read, a multi-get will be needed to fetch all tweets. At Twitter that reader service caches all tweets for the last month. Here, the question on how to shard tweets is important.
Social graph service
- Need to keep knowledge of who’s following who, to fan out tweets.
- Graph databases seem optimal? But no mature ones, everyone uses RDBMS 🤷♂️.
Discriminate users
- Famous: have too many folowers; don’t fan out on post. Have their posts on cache and aggregate on read.
- Active: logged in last X days; precalculate timeline on these.
- Passive: haven’t logged in last X days. If they log in, calculate timeline on read.
- Live: keep websocket open and push posts (notifications, add to timelines live, etc).
- Deactivated: soft deleted; don’t process anything for them.
How to shard Tweets? Explore options!
- By Timestamp? 🤔 NOO! Most requested tweets will be in the recent shards, making a few shards ultra hot and all others unused!
- By TweetID? Maximises data spread (& disk usage!), minimises hot shards, but most multi-get requests could involve all shards (scatter-gather), so slower shard determines p99 latency! Note that there’s a “User Timeline” request with all tweets of one user.
- By UserID? User timeline requests involve a single shard, but popular users create hot shards, some users post more than others making disk usage unevenly spread.
- When discussing sharding, mention Consistent Hashing. Ask if you should elaborate or keep going.
Blob storage!
- Don’t forget that feed has image/video too. Object storage multi-get by id takes care of it, but important to mention CDN (data-locality!). Blob requests happen in parallel to text requests and can be asynchronously loaded as they arrive.